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Home Medical

  • Safe Patient Transfers

    Safe Patient Transfers

    Caring for homebound patients presents unique challenges, one of which is the safe transfer of patients from one place to another. Whether you are a caregiver, a family member, or...

    Apria Editorial |

  • Everything You Need to Know About OTC Hearing Aids

    Everything You Need to Know About OTC Hearing Aids

    Are you struggling to hear conversations, TV shows, or phone calls? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves or speak louder? If so, you might have mild to moderate...

    Apria Editorial |

  • How Does An Oxygen Concentrator Work: Ultimate Guide

    How Does An Oxygen Concentrator Work: Ultimate Guide

    An oxygen concentrator may be used to help the body absorb more oxygen. To ensure safe and effective usage, oxygen concentrators are only available through prescription. Once you've received your...

    Apria Editorial |